Why is practicing so much fun…?


July 16, 2024

True statement, it actually is fun!  But why?

  • It is super satisfying hearing yourself improve!
  • And you feel good because you just keep getting better and BETTER!! 
  • Your family and friends say your playing is sounding really cool!
  • You will soon be able to play pieces easily and confidently.

Sounds fun to me!

But practicing is hard!

True, it can be hard sometimes.  BUT it’s worth the hard work when you get your pieces right … right?  And that’s where the fun begins. Talk about showing off your skills!

Why should I practice? I can already play my pieces … sort of

Flowing, beautiful and confident playing is what you get when you practice.

  • Do you want to get better at playing the piano?
  • Do you want to enjoy playing and sound really good?
  • Do you want your friends and family to say ‘wow, that’s sounds so cool!’

Take your time while you practice.  Then hear the magic unfold!

When should I practice?  I mean, I just don’t have time 

Busy day?  Lot’s of homework?  

Finding a time to practice is important otherwise you won’t progress with your playing. Commit to a specific time and give yourself permission to practice during that time. What time works for you?  Schedule it in your calendar and try to stick with it. You can do it! 😃 

What happens if I don’t practice?

There is no progress. I’m not joking.

In fact, you can undo weeks of work if you don’t keep up with your practice – why would you want to do that?

Ok, then how should I practice?

    1. Play hands separately first to learn notes and fingering.
    2. Then try hands together slowly. Don’t forget to count!
    3. As a guide, practice your pieces 2-3 times every day (maybe have 1 day off in the weekend).
    4. Repeat the harder areas 5+ times daily, you will quickly see the benefits. Your playing will flow much better. Go on, give it a try!!

How long should I practice for?  I don’t want to practice all afternoon!

But you do want to get better, right?  Practice times vary with the level you’re at. 

  • Complete beginner – practice 10-15 minutes per day 
  • Intermediate student – practice 20-30 minutes per day
  • Advanced student – practice 45-60 minutes per day, or more!

Sometimes it takes a week or two of daily practice to play a piece easily. And when you get a piece nearly perfect, it’s a great feeling!!

The bottom line is this; do you want to sound good or not?

  • Then practice your pieces every day!
  • Sound amazing
  • Be proud
  • Let your family and friends tell you how good you are! 

And give yourself an advantage 😉

Practice makes progresses. Your playing skills improve and your reading skills improve.

Sounds good to me. 

Copyright 2024, Piano Spark Method, Modern Music Methods™

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Why is practicing so much fun…?

True statement, it actually is fun!  But why? It is super satisfying hearing yourself improve! And you feel good because you just keep getting better and

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